We have released new features to make it easier for project managers to view and download stratification outputs and metadata from SoilStack without using the SoilStack API. When we first built SoilStack, with support from ESMC, we focused on ensuring that it was interoperable with MRV platforms. For this reason, the API was the main pathway to […]
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Smart Accounting for Improved Ecosystem Services – an interview with Dr. Dan TerAvest In case you missed it: Dan TerAvest, cofounder of Our-Sci, was interviewed for Proofing Futures. Their conversation covered SoilStack, developing tools for a diverse user base, and reducing costs through data automation. “How do we measure resilience? How would we have confidence […]
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SoilStack is designed to be an open-source, all-inclusive, flexible tool to make better decisions about soil sampling, while maintaining clear permissioning and the ability to adapt to future needs.
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Testing a novel approach to quantify soil Carbon using direct measurements with the Our Sci Reflectometer and soil metadata Previously, we highlighted the potential of soil carbon sequestration to remove significant CO2 from the atmosphere and discussed the challenges in developing pathways for soil carbon sequestration credits. One of the key challenges is the difficulty in […]
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Why soil Carbon matters Soils are the largest terrestrial pool of organic carbon on the planet, holding as much as 3,000 Gt of carbon in the upper 2 meters of soil. To put that into perspective, the total amount of carbon in the atmosphere is currently about 870 Gt and annual CO2-C emissions from fossil fuels equal about 9.7 […]
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“But wait,” you say, “there are already some out there, and they are pretty well designed and reasonably priced!” Well, yes – there are full spectrometers like the Spectruino ($411), the Open Source Colorometer ($80 + $20 per LED) from IORodeo, and publications from universities describing open colorometer designs (Appropedia and MTU have a good one, but there […]
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